Lots of extra secret quilting activities this past month down on the Farm!!And...... it's all been business related!! Longarm quilting AND Custom Quilt Building!!
The custom quilts are super classified TOP SECRET SANTA SQUIRREL STUFF... so I cant show any pics till Dec 26th.
Through the magic of Facebook, I have been reconnecting with old classmates from Kindergarden to College. Two of these friends asked me to build custom quilts as Christmas gifts for their loved ones. This was pretty exciting because ; I had a personal connection to them as friends and I was adding to the list of items and goals I had intended to accomplish this year.
Big Fat Wooty!!!!
I CAN show some pics of a T-shirt quilt I quilted for a friends son who graduated from college this year and landed an awesome job in his field.
He is a major dude and a real character.
Unfortunately he is also a KISS fan.
This quilt also led me to implement a new policy for 2011.
Because I was around back in the late 70's and nothing has changed. I still dont like them.
..... with a bonus "Rudy"
It's the "No KISS T-Shirt " policy..because I can't deal with the instant "Ear Worm".
"Keep on Shoutin.. You keep on Shoutin!!! What!?""